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Meet our Members

Goal to Transforming Over 10,000 Lives by 2026

Choose A Package That Fits Your needs

Holistic Nutrition


  • checkPersonalized Diet Plans
  • checkOne on One Counselling
  • checkOngoing Support and Monitoring

 Personal Training


  • checkAll Benefits of Nutrition Program
  • check12 Personal Training Sessions
  • checkComplete Health & Fitness Assessment

Rehab Coaching


  • checkAll Benefits of Personal Training
  • checkGuidance by Expert Physiotherapist 
  • checkComplete Postural Assessment


Holistic training maximizes efficiency by recognizing the interconnectedness of physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
Tailored programs optimize overall health, ensuring sustainable and impressive improvements in fitness and wellness.


Integrative Nutrition

Holistic fitness emphasizes the importance of nutrition that nourishes both the body and mind. It advocates for a diet rich in natural, whole foods that provide essential nutrients, supporting physical health and mental clarity.


Mind-Body Connection

This approach incorporates practices like yoga and meditation, which foster a strong connection between mind and body. These practices enhance mental focus, reduce stress, and improve overall physical fitness, contributing to a well-rounded health regimen.

Functional Movement

Holistic fitness focuses on functional training that mimics everyday activities, improving not just strength and endurance but also mobility and balance. This helps in reducing the risk of injuries and enhances the quality of daily life, making fitness more practical and applicable.



Holistic training maximizes efficiency by recognizing the interconnectedness of physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
Tailored programs optimize overall health, ensuring sustainable and impressive improvements in fitness and wellness.


Our Approach

Have Questions? Look Here

Frequently asked questions that you might have

Is there a trial period or introductory offer?

Yes, we offer a Trial first session for new clients. This allows you to experience our approach and decide if it's the right fit for you. only applicable for Personal training and Rehab Programs

Are your trainers and nutritionists certified?

Yes, all our trainers and nutritionists are highly qualified and certified in their respective fields, ensuring you receive professional and expert guidance.

How does a 'Like Human Coach' differ from other Gym Trainers?

'Like Human Coaches' follow a Holistic Approach towards Fitness. We focus on all aspects of health, from physical training, intuitive nutrition to mental well-being, in a supportive and inclusive environment.

Is Like Human only available in Pune?

No, Like Human is available World Wide. How? Via the Internet, Right now we have Offline Training available in Pune, along with Virtual Personal Training and other Consultation Services available Virtually worldwide.

Do you offer support for injury recovery and rehabilitation?

Yes, we have rehab training programs that are designed in collaboration with healthcare professionals to aid in recovery and strengthen your body post-injury.

+91 89566 48145